Bald Head News

2017 and Older News Archives


For the 2017 Annual Report in Digital form, c lick HERE .

BHA Member Survey Results
Bald Head Association recently surveyed its members to find out their perceptions about the organization’s communications and to receive feedback on several landscaping proposals. The Association emailed the link to an electronic survey in late July to approximately 1,500 property owners. Nearly 200 property owners responded, a response rate of 13%.

Overwhelmingly, members rated the Association’s communications vehicles positively. About three-fourths (74%) rated the Island Report as "above average" or "excellent." Similarly, 80% rated the weekly email and 44% rated the web site as above average or better.

Specific to residential landscaping policies, members were asked about a number of proposals designed to help protect the long-term ecology and beauty of Bald Head Island. Just over one-third (35%) preferred that only plantings native to the Island be utilized, while nearly half (49%) agreed that a ratio of native to BHI, native to North Carolina and exotics was appropriate. Nearly half (47%) supported the notion of prohibiting exotic plantings and more than half (54%) agreed that parameters for limited removal of understory vegetation should be established.

Many property owners also expressed their opinions on varying issues ranging from a renewed focus on native plantings and recycling to softening/hardening the Village’s Public Safety Department’s approach and better internet access. Other issues included less governmental involvement, limited commercialism, changing island demographics, costs of living on BHI, transportation options and fragmentation of decision making. PDF of 2016 Survey Results

Powerpoint of 2016 Survey Results

Audubon Presentations
Video: April 2016 Earthday Audubon Presentation
Powerpoint Audubon_Bird-Friendly_Communities_Bald_Head_Island_Aug2016