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BHA Common Area

Click HERE for BHA's Common Area map.

BHA's Articles of Incorporation direct BHA to own and manage the Common Area:

  • Manage all aspects of the three communities of Keeper’s Landing, Surfman’s Walk and Sumner’s Crescent.
  • Manage amenities or assets of six additional neighborhoods (Braemar, Cedar Court, Muscadine Grove, Loggerhead, Palm Court and Palmetto Cove).
  • Maintain 13 alleys located in the East End along 125 individual properties.
  • Manage and maintain improved Common Area – Association Center, Battery 4, Boat Park, Garden, Wildlife Overlook, Master Walkway (CFS).
  • Help protect the natural uniqueness of Bald Head Island through the management of approved tree and limb removal.

BHA's Wildlife Overlook features two observation decks to allow Bald Head Islanders and visitors the opportunity to glimpse wildlife in action around the lagoon. There is a new waterbird viewing deck with a bench to enjoy watching who flies in to roost above the lagoon. Visitors may even view safely from the platform the alligators, who oversaw the entire construction process and have been nicknamed (from largest to smallest) as Matt, Gordon and Dale, for the master craftsman who built all of the structures (Matt Cross), the architect (Gordon Hall) and the contractor (Dale Giera of Trinity Builders BHI).

Two educational signs are installed at the Wildlife Overlook describing reptiles and waterbirds that can be seen at the lagoon. Additional educational signs, including one honoring the history of the Overlook, will be added, as well as additional vegetation once Duke Energy replaces its transformer equipment in that area later this year. The Wildlife Overlook is open from dawn to dusk, and BHA asks visitors to enjoy this natural habitat respectfully and quietly.

The BHA Board of Directors would like to thank all parties and partners in helping to make the Wildlife Overlook project a success for generations to come, including BHA members, Gordon Hall Architecture, Trinity Builders BHI and the BHI Conservancy. Trinity Builders BHI, who came in $10,000 under budget, contributed an additional $5,000, which BHA will use toward additional features such as plantings, parking, a bike rack, etc.

Damaged by Hurricanes Florence (2018) and Dorian (2019), the Wildlife Overlook was previously closed for safety until a redesign and rebuild was completed. Two improvements were made in October 2023, which included adding parking areas and extending the existing retention wall near the structure to prevent erosion.

Wildlife Overlook Begins to Take ShapeAn update and photos of progress taken Friday, March 12, 2021.

Revised Site Plan ~ reviewed and approved by the BHA Board February 25, 2021.
The Board approved reducing the depth of the reptile viewing platform by 5 feet, lessening its extension over the water. The platform remains in the original footprint. The Board also approved the removal of the marl walkway from the bird-viewing area to the parking area. This redundant walkway will instead be replaced with additional trees/vegetation.


Original Site Plan ~ as shown as approved by the BHA Board March 2020. As with any construction, site conditions may require changes during construction, and details indicated on the plan may not be reflective of the final product.


BHA Special Meeting 5/4/21 on the process used to select the contractor to rebuild the Wildlife Overlook

Request for Proposals June 2020

Island Report Articles:

BHA Boat Park — at the Timbercreek Mulch Site

Need a place on Bald Head Island to park your small boat and trailer? BHA's Boat Park has spaces available to lease and is located on the Timbercreek Mulch Site Road, off of North Bald Head Wynd. A water hose is located just inside the park entrance for lessees.

Per the Village of BHI ordinance, eligible boats must be a maximum of 17.5 feet in length, with a maximum 75hp motor. Spaces are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Spaces are available to lease at any time of the year, with the annual fee prorated. Spaces are assigned by Pam Rainey, BHA Customer Relations Associate, and annual stickers are placed on boat trailers. All boats must be kept in their assigned spaces. 

Contact BHA for additional information at 910-457-4676, ext. 24 or email Pam Rainey.

Village Creek Access — Kayak and Canoe Storage on North Bald Head Wynd

The Village of BHI manages and leases storage for kayaks and canoes at the Creek Access on North Bald Head Wynd, just east of Old Baldy. For information, contact Darcy Sperry, Village Clerk, at 910-457-9700, ext. 1001 or email.

BHA Community Garden

Interested in leasing a garden plot at BHA's Community Garden? Located off of N. Bald Head Wynd across from Timbercreek, the garden is located beside the Dog Park. Garden plot spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis and vary depending on demand. Large plots lease for $250, and small plots are $100. Click HERE for the garden layout. Click HERE for the garden lease agreement.

Contact BHA for additional information at 910-457-4676, ext. 21, or email.

Surfman's Walk Gazebo

The gazebo at Surfman’s Walk in Cape Fear Station is owned by Bald Head Association and is available for use by reservation for BHA members. Events can be held between 10:00am-10:00pm. A returnable security deposit of $250 must be paid before the event. For rules and regulations, including decorations and serving alcohol, click HERE.

Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact BHA for reservations and additional information at 910-457-4676, ext. 24

Association Center

The Bald Head Association Center is located at 111 Lighthouse Wynd, beside the Village Chapel and across from Village Hall. It's bordered by marsh and the Bald Head Creek to the north and forested with the Ft. Holmes Battery 4 trail winding through the thick forest towards the creek on the other side. Whether inside or out on the deck, the Association Center is a beautiful location for any occasion.

The Association Center serves the following purposes:

Administering the business of the Bald Head Association. To this end, the building provides office space for BHA staff, as well as space for official BHA meetings.

It also provides an adequate gathering space for functions that benefit the membership and individual member needs and other on-Island entities.

The Association Center is ideal for members and non-members in need of a large space to host wedding receptions, family reunions or other large get-togethers.

If you are interested in renting the facilities, please click HERE for a brochure and click HERE to download the Association Policy Document, complete with Reservation Application form.

Click HERE for Liability Document.

For more information and answers contact Diane at 910-457-4676, ext 21 or email.

BHA Common Area

Click HERE for BHA's Common Area map.

BHA's Articles of Incorporation direct BHA to own and manage the Common Area:

  • Manage all aspects of the three communities of Keeper’s Landing, Surfman’s Walk and Sumner’s Crescent.
  • Manage amenities or assets of six additional neighborhoods (Braemar, Cedar Court, Muscadine Grove, Loggerhead, Palm Court and Palmetto Cove).
  • Maintain 13 alleys located in the East End along 125 individual properties.
  • Manage and maintain improved Common Area – Association Center, Battery 4, Boat Park, Garden, Wildlife Overlook, Master Walkway (CFS).
  • Help protect the natural uniqueness of Bald Head Island through the management of approved tree and limb removal.