Bald Head News

2021 News Archives

12/20/2021 Star News Article — Wind Farm

12/3/2021 Port City Daily Article — Fire Investigation
12/3/2021 Star News Article — Fire Investigation
11/29/2021 WECT News Article
Flood Insurance Premiums Recalculated (11/2021 Island Report Article) — click HERE for link to additional information (Association of State Floodplain Managers and The Pew Charitable Trusts)
Village Notice of Public Meeting Change — Village Council Meeting Moved to Friday, 10/22/21, 10:00am
Village Notice of Public Hearing on Friday, 10/22/21, 10:00am,  on an Ordinance Regulating Helicopter Landings on BHI

New Hours at Dosher Medical - Bald Head Island (Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am-2:30pm) effective 7/19/21
Village of BHI FY21-22 Budget Public Hearing Presentation (6/18/21)
6/21/21 Wilmington StarNews article, "Same rules of the road apply to golf carts"
6/18/21 Village of BHI resolution opposing House Bill 496
6/6/21 Port City Daily Article ~ Oak Island to oppose bill that would strip local governments' power to regulate tree removal
NC House Bill 496
Brunswick County Issues Stage I - Water Conservation Alert (5/21/21)
BHI Ferries Resume Full Capacity April 13, 2021
BHA Welcomes New Board Member Jennifer Lucas

BHI Transportation System News:
12/6/2021 WRAL TV
12/3/2021 WRAL Article

12/1/21 State Port Pilot Article
11/29/21 Port City Daily Article

11/29/21 BHITA Special Meeting Agenda
     Letter to LGC and Appointing Authorities
     BHITA Resolution

Citizen Letters Written to the Local Government Commission (LGC) September 14, 2021 through November 30, 2021 — Letters Grouped by the LGC (3 total groups):

State Treasurer 12/2/2021 Letter Regarding the Local Government Commission's (LGC) December 2021 Agenda and the Sale of the BHI Ferry System
State Auditor 11/15/2021 Letter Regarding the LGC's December Agenda and the Sale of the BHI Ferry System

BHITA Series 2022 Cashflows
Letter Dated 11/15/21 to LGC for the 12/7/21 LGC Meeting
BHITA Response to Loftis Review of BHITA Appraisals
BHITA 11/17/21 Meeting Agenda
BHITA 11/17/21 Agenda Packet Attachments
BHITA Financial Statements Year Ended 6/30/21

10/25/21 Response from Mayor Sayre to BHIL/BHIT Letter Dated 10/22/21

10/22/21 BHI Limited/BHI Transportation Letter to Mayor Sayre
     1999 ROFR Agreement
     NCUC Response to Public Records Request

Village's GO Bond Town Hall Recorded Meeting (10/13/21)
2021 GO Bond Presentation
The Village of BHI's 2021 GO Bond Referendum Web Page

State Port Pilot Article 10/6/21

Village 2021 Bond Referendum Web Page 
Village Notice of Public Meeting 10/13/21 — GO Bond Town Hall

Mayor Sayre Response to 9/24/21 BHA Board Letter (9/30/21)

State Port Pilot Article 9/29/21
Port City Daily Article 9/28/21

BHA Board of Directors Letter to Mayor Sayre (9/24/21)

Star News Article 9/23/21

Village of BHI Response to 9/15/21 Letter from the Mitchell Family Corporation (9/23/21)
Mitchell Family Corporation Letter to Mayor Sayre (9/15/21)

Citizen Letters Written to the Local Government Commission (LGC) July 9, 2021 through September 13, 2021 — Multiple Letters Grouped Together (6 Total Groups):


9/15/21 BHITA Meeting Agenda and Financial Report

3/21 Village of BHI Notice of $54 Million Bond Referendum on November 2, 2021, Ballot

9/13/21 Village of BHI Notice of Adoption of $54 Million Bond Order

9/3/21 Appraisal Review of the BHI Transportation Authority's 8/31/21 Revised Appraisal, Requested by the Village of BHI

BHITA Responses to LGC Staff Review of NKF's Valuation for Deep Point Terminal Dated 7/26/21
8/31/21 Revised Appraisal Report for BHITA 
[Note: The only page with material changes is page 59, which has the replacement cost new charts updated for both the buildings and the site improvements with the Miscellaneous (Service Equipment) and Seawall added to the bottom of the Site Improvements for presentation purposes.]

8/17/21 Village Letter to LGC Chairman Folwell

Village of BHI Resolutions — July 16, 2021 Regular Meeting (all passed unanimously):
     Resolution Making Required Findings
     Resolution to Introduce Bond Order
     Resolution Authorizing the Public Hearing on Bond Order

Village of BHI Presentation 8/6/21

Village of BHI Public Records Request Documents (citizen requested and shared):
     5/3/21 Village of BHI Response to 4/20/21 LGC Letter
     5/21/21 Memo to LGC from Village of BHI
     5/27/21 Village of BHI Letter to LGC
     7/7/21 Village of BHI & LGC Email regarding General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Application
     Village of BHI — Debt Service Comparison

Citizen Letters Written to the Local Government Commission (LGC) — Multiple Letters Grouped Together (12 Total Groups):

Appraisal Bald Head Island Ferry Terminal (7/25/21)
Appraisal Deep Point Ferry Terminal (7/25/21)
Notice of Intention to Apply to the LGC for Approval of Bonds
BHA Member Opinion Survey (7/8/21)

BHITA Responses to LGC Questions from 6/11/21
BHITA Questions — LGC Staff Assessment 6/11/21
6/28/21 Citizen Letter to the Local Government Commission (LGC)
6/28/21 Wilmington StarNews Article
6/25/21 Village of BHI Chronology Comparison to BHA
6/25/21 Village of BHI FAQs
6/18/21 Port City Daily Article
6/17/21 Village of BHI Notice to Joint Legislative Committee on Local Government of Proposed Local Government Financing
6/16/21 State Port Pilot Article
BHITA's 6/16/21 Meeting: Agenda and call-in information
BHA's 6/11/21 Board Meeting with invited guests from the Village of BHI, BHI Limited and BHI Transportation Authority (Passcode FVb$3x6t)
6/11/21 Local Government Commission (LGC) Staff Assessment of Questions Regarding the BHITA Acquisition of the BHI Ferry System
6/8/21 Letter from BHI citizens to the Village of BHI
8/10/1999 Right of First Refusal Agreement (BHI Transportation, Village of BHI and BHI Limited)
6/4/21 Wilmington Star News Article
6/1/21 LGC (Local Government Commission) meeting link (Note: BHITA discussion begins at 1:56:20)
5/27/21 Village of BHI Letter to Edmundson (supplemental to 5/3/21 letter)
5/27/21 Village of BHI Letter to Susan Rabon (BHITA) in response to BHITA Chair Susan Rabon's 5/20/21 letter
5/21/21 Village Memorandum to LGC (Local Government Commission)
BHITA Special Meeting Notice for May 27, 2021
5/20/21 Letter from BHITA Chair Susan Rabon to Village Mayor Andy Sayre
Recorded 5/4/21 LGC (Local Government Commission) meeting (Note: BHITA discussion begins at 2:57:30 and lasts through 4:18:20)
StarNews 5/6/21 Article
BHITA Meeting Schedule Resolution (5/4/21)
5/4/21 LGC (Local Government Commission) meeting link, meeting agenda and audio recording for May 4, 2021, 1:30pm
5/4/21 Village of BHI Mayor Sayre's Statement to the LGC on 5/4/21
5/3/21 Village of BHI Response to Edmundson 4/20/21 Letter
5/2/21 Village of BHI Response to BHITA 4/30/21 Letter
4/30/21 BHITA Letter to Auditor Wood (April 30, 2021)
4/30/21 BHITA Response to Village Letter of April 23, 2021
4/26/21 Citizen Letter to NC State Auditor
4/23/21 Village Letter to NC Department of State Treasurer re: BHITA Application for Revenue Bond Financing
4/20/21 LGC Letter to Village of BHI
BHITA 4/21/21 Meeting Agenda
April 14, 2021 State Port Pilot Article
Port City Daily 4/14/21 Article
Statement from Mayor Sayre regarding the BHI Transportation System (4/10/21)
On April 8, 2021, the City of Southport's Board of Aldermen unanimously passed a resolution in support of the Bald Head Island Transportation Authority purchasing the BHI ferry system.
April 7, 2021 State Port Pilot Article
On April 5, 2021, the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the "Resolution of support for the acquisition of the BHI Ferry Transportation System by the BHI Transportation Authority."
Brunswick County — Resolution (4/5/21)
Brunswick County — Action Agenda (4/5/21)
Brunswick County — Regular Meeting Agenda (4/5/21)
Port City Daily 3/29/21 Article
Village of BHI's FAQs (3/29/21)
Letter from BHI Limited/BHI Transportation to the Local Government Commission (LGC) NC Department of State Treasurer (3/26/21)
Village of BHI Letter to the Local Government Commission (LGC) NC Department of State Treasurer (3/22/21)
Port City Daily 3/14/21 Article
BHITA Questions & Answers (2/26/21)
Q&A Exhibits:

Exhibit A — Credit Presentation
Exhibit B — Composite List of Questions
Exhibit C — Feasibility Study
Exhibit D — Kopco Vessel Surveys
Exhibit E — Moffatt & Nichol Report
Exhibit F — Earl Worsley Appraisal: 1) Bald Head Island & 2) Deep Point
Exhibit G — SM&E Environmental Reports: 1) BHI Ferry Terminal & 2) Deep Point Marina
Exhibit H — Operations and Transition Services Agreement
Exhibit I — Deep Point Map
Exhibit J — Bald Head Island Map

BHITA 2/17/21 Public Hearing Recording ~ Copy/paste passcode: Xe%fc92u 
BHITA Public Hearing Presentation (2/17/21)

2021 BHITA Meeting Schedule and Links
Village of BHI Mayor Sayre — Presentation comments at BHA's Annual Meeting (1/30/2021)
BHI Limited — Joyce Fulton's presentation comments at BHA's Annual Meeting (1/30/2021)

BHITA Documents  (Note: Some documents may be drafts that will be updated as warranted):

BHITA FAQs (1/19/2021)
Preliminary Official Statement — BHITA 2020 Revenue Bonds
BHITA APA Exhibits January 2021
BHITA — LGC Presentation (12/1/2020)
BHITA Cash Flow Projections (12/27/2020)
BHITA Option to Purchase Agreement
Deep Point Marina — Tract 1 — Subdivision Preliminary
BHITA Credit Presentation
BHITA 2021 Bond Feasibility
S&P Global Media Release (1/13/2021)
S&P Global Rationale (1/13/2021)
Letter from Susan Rabon, Chair of BHITA, to Treasurer Folwell (1/5/2021)
BHITA — Chronology of Important Meetings and Events
BHITA Credit Presentation (Provided 1/7/2021)

BHITA Correspondence:
For additional correspondence between the BHITA Chair, Treasurer Folwell, the LGC, the Village of BHI, the BHI Club and BHI citizens, click HERE.

BHITA Meeting Minutes:
December 16, 2020
December 8, 2020
November 18, 2020

Island Report BHITA Articles:

March 2021
February 2021